Champions Keep Going

Don’t Give Up

Champions keep going when they don’t have anything left in their tank


From a young age, I always thought I was meant for something special. I didn’t know what that was, or how to get to it and find it. Going with whatever was in front of me for that day. I was lost and felt like I was walking in circles with no direction and no clue what I was going to do with myself or what God had in store for me. Some days I felt like the monkey playing the symbols and not going anywhere. I can’t be a champion, what can I do?

Freaked Out

I had no idea what I was doing with myself. I kept rolling with whatever was coming my way. No matter what was going on if it was whatever sport I was in or job I was at. I would try and look at the plus side of everything, unfortunately, that’s easy said than done. After a while, I could only lie to myself so much. I started to realize how much I’m full of it. It’s one thing to lie to others and tell them how I’m feeling or if I’m faking it and putting on a mask trying to be happy. But I can’t lie to myself, I know who I really am.

Once school was over and I graduated and ready to step into the real world, all I could think was how terrified I was. With no direction and no idea what I was going to do with myself and that stupid piece of paper saying I graduated. What am I supposed to do now?

Hard Work

Yes, I graduated from school. But looking back, I had a lot of help from my parents and teachers to help push me or drag me over the finish line of graduating school. If I didn’t have their help who knows how many times I would have failed.

I have played sports all my life and have a decent collection of trophies I have gathered over the years. But what does that mean, and how does that benefit me now? Well for starters it showed me how to commit to something bigger than Peter. It showed me how to work with others to get the job done and win and collect the prize at the end of the season. Become a champion was always the goal at the end of the season.


I was a part of two championship teams in high school. I won the league in my junior year in soccer. My senior year we won the league in baseball. That was a great feeling because it was the last big thing I accomplished before graduation. Honestly, I think I was more excited about winning the league in baseball then I was for graduating.

I know my ultimate goal was to graduate from school. But the only problem with that is I didn’t know what to do with myself next in my life. My ultimate goal is finally here and I just freaked out and panicked and didn’t want to leave school. I didn’t know what I could do, and what I can go after and tackle next. I was scared and I wanted to turn around and go back to what was familiar to me. School for me was a battle every day. That battle I was facing was less scary to me than the unknown after I graduated with no direction.

Never Back Down

How can I win in life? I have lost more in life then I have won. Even though I won two league titles in my high school career. I also lost in the championship game my junior year in basketball and baseball. I failed multiple times trying to sell my books to agents to represent me. Failures and rejections definitely outweigh the wins in my life.

I’m, not a champion, how can I be a winner and a champion if I have lost more than I have won? I didn’t understand this at the time. It’s not about the medals I have earned in school being the best team that year. It was the fact that the team I was a part of didn’t give up and we didn’t back down from whoever the opponent was in front of us in the championship game.

New Approach

Even with receiving over 105 rejections about my books over the years. Yes, for a short time that did scare me and made me wonder if I can even write or if there is even room for me to enter this field. I decided to change the outcome and not give up. A new path was formed and I went in a different direction. I created to start blogging, and I needed a place to keep writing.

A new approach to publish my books was born. I didn’t let 105 people who didn’t care for what I had created stop me. I would have taken 1,000 rejections if it meant my story or books could reach 10 times that. What matters is when I was down thinking I failed and I wouldn’t be good enough I didn’t stop.


I might not have won yet or published any of my books yet. It doesn’t mean I’m not going to. Maybe I won’t reach thousands or millions of people in my lifetime. That’s not what this is about. It’s to show you to never quit and never settle when you feel like you can’t win. Stay away from the negative attitude.

Maybe you won’t win right now. Keep working and wait to see where you will be a year from now or five years from now. Keep working and who knows, you might be at a level that you never pictured for yourself and envisioned. That’s why it’s important to never stop and to always keep working. That’s what separates champions and losers in life.

Chess Vs Checkers

The Battle

When you hear Chess vs Checkers what do you think? Well for starters one game takes a lot more skill and thinking than the other. One game all of the pieces move in different directions and all play different roles. The other game, the pieces can only move one spot at a time and that’s it. So yes, there is a big difference, and it takes I think a certain skill level to master one then it does another.

For me, I love chess and it’s a challenge and it makes you think, now I suck at it but I enjoy it. At a young age, I definitely enjoyed checkers a lot more. It was an easy game for me, as far as how you play an to follow. Now, as I got older and trying to challenge myself and change my ways and mindset toward the world and what I’m thinking chess becomes more challenging for me. I wanted more of a challenge and well chess was defiantly that challenge for me haha.

The Checkers Life

Chess and checkers, I think can be compared to people in some cases. Checkers is a very basic game when you compare both of them. All of the pieces do the same thing and your trying to take all of your opponent’s pieces. Now chess, on the other hand, is a little more involved. All of the pieces do something different. Some go straight, some go on an angle, some can only move one spot, a wide variety. The number of moves is endless and you can do so much with them. What your trying to do is outsmart your opponent and take their king in the end. You’re trying to bait them into following you this direction. Why they are following you this way, you’re leaving the other side wide open and catching off guard, checkmate.

For me, I lived 20 plus years of my life as I’m playing checkers. Again, there’s nothing wrong with checkers it’s a good game. For me, though it felt like I was missing something, I need something more I needed a new challenge. Once I committed to writing books and wanting to become an author and publish books. I had to change my ways in life. If I wanted to get better at reading and writing, well then, I have to practice. I have to challenge myself every day and keep working hard. That’s what I did, I started the transition out of checkers and into chess in life.

New Game Of Life

Chess is my game of life now. It’s on a whole other level then checkers and only select few really know how to play chess and are actually good. Again, I am not very good I need to get better in the actual game. But as far as life, well I wasn’t very good at checkers or chess haha. Now you know why I needed a change. I didn’t like where I was and where I was heading.

I’m committing to something that scares the crap out of me. I’m committing to trying to turn a weakness and something I struggle with and embarrassed about into a strength. I never in a million years ever thought I would like reading and writing. I never thought at 28 this is where I would be in my life. Honestly, I’m just happy to be alive and I didn’t follow through with some actions that I wanted to take multiple times that would have prevented me from being here at this very moment.

Give It Your All

All I’m trying to say is, it doesn’t matter how good or bad you are at these games. The point is, all you can do is try. All you can do is give it and your life the very best try that you can give. Don’t expect everything to be handed to you. Keep working and trying to improve and get better every day. That’s one of the many areas I screwed up and got lost in the shadows. I thought I was going to be able to use this disability excuse a little longer. Well until reality set in and smacked me in the face again. But it’s what I needed to wake me up.

If you are settling down with where you are in life, whether that’s in your career or in a relationship it doesn’t matter it can be anything. Well, then you’re wasting your time and a great opportunity in front of you. The opportunities are endless and there are so many opportunities in life now. You can do it. You can win in life and be successful and you deserve to win and be happy in life.

The Switch

I made the transition and the switch because I didn’t like where I was. Now you need to ask yourself where you are in your life and how you feel about your situation? If you’re ok with where you are, well then, I’m happy for you. But if you have to think about it longer then five seconds to answer if your happy or not, then most likely you’re not happy.

There is always room for improvement and there is always room to get better and for new challenges to be placed in front of you. But here’s the thing, you’re not going to grow in life and get better by waiting around for them to come to you. That’s where I screwed up I was waiting and waiting, alright God I’m ready whenever you are. Sometimes you have to make the first move in life. Maybe he wants us to try something new and figure it out ourselves first before he comes in and helps. Sometimes you have to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation and go over some hurdles to get to where you want to get to in life.

A little fun fact for you, my grandfather made this board back in 1986.

Dreams Vs Fears

Dreams Or Fears

When you think of dreams what do you think of? When you think of fears what do you think of? Now, look at your life and where you are right now at the moment. What are you currently living right now, its dreams vs fears?

Most people will get defensive, it’s definitely my dreams and I’m focused. But looking at their work ethic they aren’t doing anything. They don’t have a plan they don’t put the time into their craft to try and get better. They are just talking and not following through with anything else. Just like ET says, “they don’t want it bad enough, they just kind of want it”

Make Up Your Mind

You need to make up your mind and fast. Do you want to chase this dream and accomplish this goal? Do you just what to talk about it, that would be cool if I did that one day. Now you need to decide what you want to do?

If you chase your dreams or stay content and settle because you have fears. That could potentially give you two different lives you could be living. If you chase your dreams then the opportunities are endless and who knows what else will open up. But if your hesitant and scared that you might miss out on some opportunities in life. That ship might sail by and that was your only chance you ever get in your life toward that dream of yours.

The Journey

For me, I have big goals and dreams of what I could do with my writing and what I could accomplish. But with accomplishing a lot with writing hopefully, that also means potentially I could be helping a lot of people which is what I’m hoping for. I’m, not a big name, I’m not famous and sitting on wealth and buying my way into this field like some people do by throwing money into it.

For me, it’s much bigger that’s not why I’m doing this. I’m doing this because I was scared and hated myself and had a lot of fears and doubt in my own self for most of my life. Now I’m here to prove something to the world. Not to show off and brag about what I’m hoping to accomplish and rub any of my success in your face that might come with writing down the road. For me it’s simple I’m only trying to prove two people wrong and to tell them if you put your mind to something you can be successful and accomplish anything you want in life.

The Little Things

The first person is me. I’ve been my worst critic, my worst enemy and toughest opponent every day for most of my life. All the negative talk and side effects I developed over the years has taken years and years to try and fix my bad and negative habits I developed.

Second is YOU. I clearly know what it’s like to not believe in yourself and think you’re a loser and will never accomplish anything and be successful. That was my mindset and outlook toward life for far too long.

That’s why when I become successful in writing. Now when I say become successful, you can take that any way you would like. If that’s selling millions of books, impacting people through my writing it could be anything you want. For me what I will consider a success is simple. Not only connect with kids like me and try and help them better their lives. One of the biggest success moments for me that brings a smile to my face and helps me stay focused when I don’t feel like working. Is when my first book gets published and I see what I created, and Peter A. Harrower on my OWN book.

Published Author

I can’t use my learning disability or dyslexia as an excuse anymore because that’s crap now and doesn’t work. I wrote the book, now editing the book, and ready to publish my book soon. Straight from the words of a kid who hated school, and hated reading and writing. Now I’m a published author and accomplished one of my main goals in life.

Once that happens and I become an author officially now, all I can say is watch out world. Because I turned one of my biggest weaknesses and flipped it and turned it into now one of my greatest strengths. If that doesn’t motivate you and give you hope knowing that it’s possible then I’m sorry, but you’re not ready for the next step yet in your life. You still have more personal stuff to work on.

Using Anger As Fuel

Do you want to hear some good news? You’re, not the only one that has to grow and get better. I’ll be right there with you. Every single one of us can get better and should be trying to get better every single day.

Yes, life is short and we should be enjoying it why we can because it goes quick. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try and be better than we once were? After all, we only get one life, one chance at this game of life. Let’s all start making it better and trying to chase the right goal in life.

Now go chase your dreams and kick some butt every day. Stay away from your fears and keep your distance for as long as possible. Because life will try and bring you down some days, people will try and hurt you and say you can’t accomplish your dreams. There’s only one correct response you need to give them. Smile at them and punch them in the face. Alright, I’m kidding haha, don’t do that. Smile at them and continue to work. Use that as motivation and fuel to chase your dreams and leave them and your fears behind you.

Hatting Your Job

The Stats

The other day I read In America, 70% of Americans hate their job. Hearing that stat is unbelievable to me. Of course, not every situation is the same and everyone has their own reasons. But that is scary if you ask me.

There are 52 weeks in a year and you get two weeks off for vacation a year on average. So your spending five days or sometimes more a week for 50 weeks out of the year for a paycheck?


Now if you have a plan to only work there for a short time to save your money. If that’s the case alright that’s fair I get that and understand. Maybe you have a family and the money or benefits are amazing and you’re sacrificing for your family to take care of them. That’s respectable, I know how hard my parents worked to take care of me and my sisters.

What if your single and in your 20s and only starting out? You have been at this job for let’s say two years and it’s not going anywhere and you’re not married or tied down, what do you do? Do you just settle and keep doing it and saving money? But think if you keep saving money and staying there year after year. Don’t you think it’s going to be harder to leave once they offer you a raise or more benefits when the time comes?

Our Plan

Some of us are not sure what to do or where to go next. Instead of taking that gamble and going for our dream. Were scared and already made the world’s mind up about what we want to create and not pursue that opportunity. Life is supposed to be fun and it can be rewarding. But it can also be a gamble and risky I get that. Why not at least give it a try and see what happens?

When I get married me and the future wife already have it figured out. She’s going to continue to do her job. I’m going to continue to keep writing and continue to try and turn that dream of mine into a reality. I will be doing sales for my dad at When we have kids I’ll watch the little ones in the morning why she works. Then when she comes home I’ll do my thing in the afternoon.

I’m Lucky

Will life be that easy of course not, things come up and things will happen? No matter what comes up at least we have a plan starting out. I have a fiancé who is very supportive of me trying to turn this writing into a reality. She know’s how serious I am about this. We both know it’s a big gamble and of course harder starting out in the beginning.

She believes in me and I, of course, believe in myself or I wouldn’t be doing everything I’m doing up to this moment. I wouldn’t have written three books and have plans for the next few books I want to write. I wouldn’t have started this blog last year if I didn’t think it could go somewhere. I’m not naive, there is a possibility that it might not work out as well as I had hoped or planned for. If that’s the case then it wasn’t meant to be and I will be crushed and disappointed of course. But I trust God with what’s next for me.

What If

Now on the flip side, what if I didn’t take that risk and dropped down to part-time a year and a half ago? What if I didn’t believe in myself and my ability and not have even bothered writing any of my books? Who knows what might have happened, because I didn’t even give it a try?

I failed in sports, losing in playoffs or championship games multiple times in my career. There have been businesses to say no about advertising with me. I have failed the military test three times to try and enlist in the military. In less then a year I received over 105 no’s from agents to represent me for my book. I’m used to failing over the years. Yes, it sucks and I hate it, I mean who would enjoy it?

When One Door Closes

With all of my failures, I never stopped moving forward. Yes, some days or months I was moving a lot slower because I was sad or depressed. Thinking when will I ever get it right and figure out what I’m meant to do. I’m 28, I’m still trying to figure out what I’m meant to do. But for the first time in my life right now. I think I have an idea of what I’m meant to do. Maybe it won’t be writing full time. But I firmly believe writing and publishing my books will open up a career for me down the road. I have believed that for going on eight years now. For years I kept saying that and yes, some days I lied about it to myself but I never stopped saying it.

With where you are in life maybe you need to reevaluate your situation and what you’re working on or towards. Life is short and yes it can be scary, but it can also be fun. Besides what good is life going to be if you just sit back and wait for the opportunities to come to you? If that’s what you’re doing then you will be waiting a long time. I would know because I was scared of my life and sat in the corner waiting. After waiting for awhile I decided it was time to fight for my life and what I wanted.

I started searching for the light at the end of my tunnel I was in, and I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s beautiful. Now is the time to work harder than ever before. Now is the time to take that opportunity life has given you and run with it.

Aim High or Aim Low

The Struggle Begins

I was listening to someone on Peptalk the other day. They talked about hitting goals. I would rather aim high and miss a goal and come a little short. Then aim low and hit a small goal and wonder what’s next? That’s what our life should be. That’s what my life has been building up to all of these years.

From ages 6-25 I was building my foundation and building who Peter is meant to become. It wasn’t always pretty, but I was doing the grunt work. For years and years, I hated myself, I still struggle with this. What could I really accomplish? How can I make a difference in the world? I always wondered and prayed about helping others somehow and making a difference, I just didn’t know how to.

I Couldn’t Stop

For years I was going back and forth, no I can’t accomplish anything. I’m just a mistake and I was the one oops that slipped by in the world. Wondering all of the years, why God gave me this disability and put all of this on my shoulders?

One day it hit me, I was reading a book about Tupac Shakur. He was talking about journaling and poems. I always thought journaling was for kids or something. Well if Pac is doing it, what do I have to lose haha?

I was journaling for a few weeks. Then one day something just clicked. Why don’t I do something with this, why don’t I create something from scratch? With no idea where to begin and what to do, and how to write a book. I did what you’re supposed to do in the beginning, I would write and write some more.

Aiming High

Shortly after writing for a while, this passion began to grow and take over. I now feel a purpose for the first time, I feel free now when I write. As stupid as it sounds, I was happy. How could something I hated in school so much make me feel so happy now? For starters, this attribute that I have never been good at before was not being forced on me now like it once was. My dyslexic mind and creative side of me took over and took off. I went all in, and 0-60 and writing as much as I could.

That’s when everything started to fall into place. I Peter Alexander Harrower am going to publish a book and become an author. My books are going to be turned into movies. More importantly, I want to help people just like me, especially kids. I think I need to share my story with the world and let them know what I’m trying to do.

Self Doubt

When I first thought all of this, of course, I was thinking I’m losing my mind. How can this stupid kid who’s only 21 think he’s going to enter this field? Who would want to read his books? I can’t write, I can’t spell, or read fast or even enjoy reading for that matter? What kind of author has those faults and burdens weighing them down? I’ll tell you the kind of author that has those faults, that author is ME.

I was comparing myself to the best of the best. Looking at their background and what they went on to create and share with the world. What makes me different than every other author before me? Who cares what all of the other authors are saying and thinking. I’m not doing this for their praise or approval. I’m doing this because writing has given me more in life then I can ever give it back. Writing has brought meaning and passion to my life, more so than I ever could have imagined. Writing is giving me a way to share my story with you. I know I’m only begging and I haven’t done anything with my books yet.

Rolling The Dice

There’s a real possibility that my books and blog won’t live up to the potential that I think they could reach. If that turns out to be true, well that would suck. But I know at the end of my journey when it’s my time to go home. I know first-hand, that the goals I set out to reach and try and accomplish. The material I was trying to give to the world and help and entertain as many people as possible. If it turns out writing isn’t the career for me well then, I gave it my best shot.

I’m 28 at this very moment, and I know my writing and life goals are very high right now. To be honest, my goas scare the crap out of me. They are so big that when I start to talk about them and share what my goals are with writing. Sometimes I get embarrassed and think, wow these are big goals. You know what that’s the point of goals, they should be high and give you something to reach for. They should make you uncomfortable, that way they are taking you out of your comfort zone. Because what kind of life is it if you’re only living in your comfort zone?

Keep Flying

When I started writing for the first time in my journal. August 6, 2011, I said to myself. Peter one day you’re going to publish this book and be able to call yourself an author. How cool is that? Here I am getting goosebumps as I’m writing this and thinking back to that summer day as I was writing the first page in my notebook.

Life is short, it’s about time we all start living it up. It’s about time we all start getting uncomfortable and taking a risk and going after something we love and want in life. Set those big scary goals, and embrace who you are. Who knows what you’re capable of doing? The only way to find out is taking that first step in that direction. From there you take another step, and another and keep going no matter what.

Screaming With Passion

Seven Years Ago

What started out as a hobby, quickly turned into an obsession. Once I started moving that pencil in my notebook all of those years ago, it was like I never stopped. That passion has only grown over the years. I have never felt more focused, and more determined and passionate before in my life.

“I feel his hand on my brain, when I write rhymes I go blind and let the Lord do his thing” – 2Pac

When I first started writing this was me, minus the rhymes and replace that with writing haha. I just got in the zone and focus on what I’m doing and shut out the world and everything around me. It’s me and my writing and that’s all I see at that moment.

It Begins

It was probably a few days after I started writing my first book. I was just messing around, not sure what to do. Then it hit me, I’m going to write a book. Laughing about it at the moment, I have no clue how to do that? Where do you even begin? More importantly, can a 21-year-old dyslexic kid with a learning disability who hated reading and writing at the time write a book? The answer is yes, why not?

Just because I read slow, I suck at spelling and overall did horrible in school. That doesn’t mean I don’t have good ideas or have the potential to come up with something a little different. My whole life up to this point has been unique, a little different and definitely out there. It’s because I’m not like most people, just like you’re not like most people. I quickly realized once I started to fill those lines with words. I have the power to create something and bring a story to life. How awesome is that?

My Excitement

It was the third date, and it was going to be a 40-minute wait at Lockleys. In that time, I told Lindsay about all three of my books. I talked about my fiction series and what I’m going to do with the three books and turn them into movies. Long story short, what she said about my passion and writing made me feel a little better and a little more confident in my writing.

“Hearing you explain the details of your novels was such a touching moment. I could have listened to you talk about your stories for hours. I’ll never forget how your face lit up and you were full of passion. I could sense the passion and zeal for writing and how creative your mind and heart were. It’s a beautiful thing seeing someone’s spirit come alive when you know they are living the passion or dream that God placed inside of them. I don’t have a passion for writing, but your excitement pulled me in and I wanted to know more”.

Possessed For Writing

Yes, this is my girlfriend that said this haha. At the time this was our third date. When I was telling her about my books. I wasn’t trying to show off and brag about what I’m trying to do or anything like that. It was the complete opposite. I was very nervous about telling her what I wanted to do. What if she doesn’t get a good vibe from what I’m trying to do and share with the world? I really like her, but if she can’t see what I see then maybe this won’t work. I hope she understands, I’m not taking this lightly and messing around and what I’m talking about in my books.

This is not a joking matter for me when it comes to my writing. I’m serious, this goes way beyond just a hobby now. I think after writing the first page of my book all those years ago. This hobby quickly died, and I became possessed with writing.

The World Through Your Eyes

Will everyone feel the same way my family or Lindsay feels, probably not? I’m not expecting everyone to love my writing, and what I’m trying to do. I’m, sure there will be a lot of people that aren’t impressed or could care less about what I’m trying to share and do. I don’t care, that’s their opinion. I’m trying to reach those that are looking at the world a little different. That dyslexic kid, or the outsiders that feel alone and scared. You’re the people and kids I’m trying to talk to. You’re the reason and my passion for wanting to get better every day and not quit.

I would be lying if I never thought crap, it’s been seven years I still haven’t published a book yet. I don’t think this is ever going to happen. Honestly, who knows, maybe I won’t be on the shelf with the best of the best. Who cares, I don’t just want to be remembered for my writing. I want to use my writing as a foot in the door to be able to share my story with the world. I’m not better than anyone of you out there. But I believe my passion and my unique story through my eyes, might be beneficial for some people to hear.

What’s Your Passion

That’s why passion should be important to you. If you don’t have a passion for something, then you need to reevaluate what you’re doing? I wasted too much time in my life just going with the flow and being a zombie in this beautiful world that we live in. I have wasted far too many days depressed and pissed off at the world and myself.

What’s your passion in life? If you can say you have no idea or you’re not sure, well that should scare you. We all have a purpose in life and are all meant for something special. It’s time to recognize where you are in your life. If you’re not happy with where you are, then maybe it’s about time you do something about it?

Get Over That Hill

Keep Climbing

If there’s a hill or an obstacle in front of you, climb it and get over that hill. If there’s a hurdle in front of you, jump over it. The point is to always keep working, no matter what happens to you. Sometimes, bad things happen. No matter where you are in your life, you need to always remember to keep working and never give up.

No matter what happens to you in your past, or is currently happening to you. Who knows what’s waiting for you down the road. For me, I can’t wait for you guys to read my book. The plan was to publish it at the beginning of the year, well that didn’t happen. Like I said, things don’t always go your way. Everything else is pretty much done, I’m just waiting for the editing to be done.

Different Approach

One good thing about it taking this long, well trying to think positive haha. I can start to focus more on my book series now until that’s done. To be fair, if that book was done and published then I wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. The only thing I would have to worry about is telling people that I have this book out.

That’s life again things happen. In the meantime, all I can do is keep working and keep climbing that hill till I reach the top. There’s still a lot of ground for me to climb, till I can officially say I’m proud of myself and I finally made it. That will be a special day when I can finally say, Peter, I’m proud of you. With being a tough critic, especially to myself.

I’m Not Done

There is still a lot more I want to accomplish and a lot of people that I think need to hear my story. I don’t mean that in a conceded way, of course, that’s not my intentions. For a kid that HATED school with a passion. A kid who has a learning disability. I have thousands of bad memories in the back of my head. Different situations that this burden has left a bitter taste in my mouth over the years. I know first hand how hard it is to get through life with this on your shoulders.

There were days, I was scared to talk to people. I was embarrassed for who I am and how stupid and dumb I felt. Most of my early life negative thoughts were always in the back of my head. I don’t belong in this group of people, who am I compared to them? Look at what this person accomplished, and then there’s me? This is the kind of mindset and attitude I had going back at a young age and starting around 2nd grade. The only reason why I would tap myself on the back. Is because I know first hand what I went through every day for the last 22 years to get to this point in my life.

Dream Come True

Peter A. Harrower will one day be able to say that he is a published author. For once in his life, he committed to something and followed through with it. He entered a field that he never thought he belonged in. Will I be a big-time author and sell millions of copies, who knows that’s not my focus. Of course, that would be awesome but that’s not why I’m doing this. I don’t just want to be an author and write the rest of my life. I want writing to be what get’s my foot in the door. Writing makes me feel free and It takes me into a new world where I can do or be whatever I want.

More importantly, I want to be able to speak and connect with people just like me. I want to share The World Through My Dyslexic Eyes to every person that needs to hear it. Publishing that book is not just about letting the world know who I really am. It’s about letting the world know WHO, I really am and the kind of person I am and why I’m doing this. Letting them know, you never actually know what someone is going through or how hard they might have it. This book is for all of those kids that ever felt different, or alone, it doesn’t matter what the issue might be.

Never Stop

From a young age, I knew I was different and I hated that. All I ever wanted was to just fit in and be like everyone else. Now that I finally grew up, I’m glad I’m different. I’m not like everyone else, I’m far from normal, and I like that now. I personally think I was created for something bigger. That’s why I’m sharing my story and that’s why I can’t stop climbing that hill.

It doesn’t matter what’s in front of you or what’s blocking your path. What matters is you find a way to get over it, under it, or through it. Just keep going and don’t stop no matter what. One day it will all make sense and you will look back and smile and appreciate everything that happened.

Thank You

Having that killer instinct that no matter what I will finish this job and not quit. That’s why when I was climbing that hill, I didn’t know at the time but it wasn’t just me. As cliche as it sounds, I was fighting for and climbing that hill with you. I get that now, it’s all starting to make sense to me. All of you were right there with me, with every step I took. I just couldn’t see it at that moment but now I can. You all were with me then, I will be right there with you as your climbing your hill. That’s why I needed to share this book, nobody has a perfect life and were all unique in our own way.

Can You Give More Effort

Can You Do Better

What kind of effort do you give every day? Can you do better and give more effort? At the end of the night can you truly say you gave it you’re all? For me, I don’t think I can, some days yes. Most days, I know I could have done better. Granted I’m a tough critic, and always hard on myself, a bad habit I know.

For me going all the way back to when I was a kid playing sports in elementary school. I truly think I gave it my all and did the best I could in games. Maybe I could have worked a little harder in practices, but I was a kid I got distracted and playing with my friends what can you do haha. As far as games, I truly think I gave it my all and left it all on the court or field.

My Tunnel Vision

Paying attention in sports and focusing on those tasks always seemed easy to me. When It came to school and effort and giving it my all or doing my best, well I didn’t really have a best. Yes, I know I had my disability and handicaps you could say. I still didn’t try all that hard. Those burdens that were resting on my shoulders from a young age, were an easy excuse to use. I rode that pity train all the way through school and leading up to graduation. I’m not proud of that and with the actions I did, but I was distracted and focused on the end prize graduating.

All I wanted to do was graduate so I could be done with school and move on to the next thing in my life, and move on to what Peter was destined to do and fulfill my “purpose”. But there was one problem, what’s my purpose? How do you find it? What if I had it, and then missed my opportunity and it’s gone forever, now what do I do? That’s what I was thinking about once I finally graduated. Once I received my “piece of paper” that I was so focused on about receiving and working towards, it then hit me. Now what Peter?

Time For A Change

Peter Alexander Harrower was destined to be another role player coming off the bench. I was just a confused little pawn in life with a dark cloud over my head, weighing me down. I used every excuse I could find to try and feel bad for myself. Pitying myself, seemed like an easy thing to do. Now, what good can come from that?

That’s how I looked at my life and how I viewed the world in front of me. I didn’t care anymore, I hardly tried when it called for it. Then one-day reality smacked me in my face and I woke up from this coma I was in.

I can either keep feeling bad for myself or do something about it. So, I decided to do something about it. I took my writing to the next level, and everything else slowly behind it. I started taking life seriously for once, granted it took me 25 years to get to that point, but I finally found purpose and meaning in my life for once.

New Me

The last three years have been the best three years of my life. Sure, there were ups and downs at that time, but that’s life things happen. Through it all, I deiced to keep living and keep working hard every day and stop trying to feel bad for myself and stop making up excuses. It was time for a change, once and for all, I had to do something about it.

If I wanted my goals to become a reality and I wanted to enter a field that I NEVER thought I could be in, then I had to change a few things. I started reading more, I started writing more and working on my craft every day and every chance I could.

Time To Work

I couldn’t tell you how many times I was invited out to hang out with friends or go get a beer with some people. Not tonight I have plans, is how I responded. I’m working on my book and working on the next chapter were my plans, and I was ok with that.

I wasted far too many years not caring and not working hard to make something of myself. I had a lot of ground to makeup and a lot of work to do. If I want to become a published author I need to keep writing and keep learning from those that did it ahead of me. If I want to share my story with the world, then I need to stop talking about it and start doing something about it. It was about time I shut up and stopped talking, and let my actions talk for me.

Now Is The Time

Maybe you’re not where you want to be in life, or where you thought you would be at this moment in your life. That’s ok, sometimes that’s all a part of the journey, just look at my life as an example. I think my early struggles helped build me into the person I was meant to become at 28. So, I have no regrets about my effort, because the choices I made in my past good or bad. Is helping push me to make better choices and keeping me hungry enough to keep working hard now why I can.

That’s why I’m so focused, it’s not for the fame or the money. I’m a private person and an introvert at heart. I just finally realized that this was placed in my heart for a reason. If I don’t do anything about it or share what I have to share. Then I believe that is a tremendous opportunity wasted and a shame. If you’re feeling the same way, then maybe you should stop putting off what you have been dreaming about for so long.


The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

TOEDWY was brought to life by the craziest people in the world, the United States Navy Seals. It might just look like six simple words, but together the meaning is powerful. Those six words let you know and remind you that life is hard, and it’s not always easy. It can be challenging and you could be getting your butt kicked or you’re in a slump somedays.

It doesn’t matter where you are in life, we are all on different paths and different journeys in our life. That’s what makes it so special and so unique for all of us every day. From another person’s perspective and looking at you every day. Seeing the way, you’re going about your life and schedule, it might not look so bad. But on the inside your freaking out, and your reaching your boiling point. Any moment you’re going to explode and just snap.

How Will You React

The day is over and here’s where we screw up sometimes. We let whatever happens the day before, or a few days earlier transition over to the next day. Now I get it, depending on what happens it might take longer to get over or recover from. I’m not heartless, I truly understand haha. I’m just saying depending on what the situation is and what happens to us. Just remember that was yesterday, and today is a new day. There will be new adventures waiting in front of us, on our path that we are walking on every day.

What if something knocks you down and it’s a heavy punch to the gut, what do you do? Do you fall to your knees crying and begging for help? Think about your situation and what maybe happened to you recently? For me, going back to my earlier years. I would have kept it to myself and not told many people. It’s easy to keep everything bottled up because of my past. I became such a private person over the years because of the issues I was battling every day.

Poor Attitude

Honestly, it was a no-brainer for me to keep everything bottled up inside of me. I didn’t like the situation God put me in. I didn’t like who he created and the issues he placed on my shoulders from an early age. At a young age, I thought I was being punished and I screwed up. The hatred toward myself was worse than you can ever imagine, I truly HATED myself for a long time and for many years. That’s when I became such a tuff critic toward myself. It all started at an early age, which isn’t good.

My poor attitude and my lack of maturity I had, tied in with the hatred that Peter had for Peter. Well, it was a ruthless combination. Within the last few years, as sad as it sounds. I only started to love Peter and who I was starting to become. I do know the last few years it changed, I can count them on one hand. In case you didn’t know, I’ll be 28 in two days. So roughly 24 years I didn’t like Peter, I couldn’t stand being in the same room with Peter. Now how do you think that made me feel? If I didn’t like being with myself, imagine what I was picturing about what others might think of me?

I Was Wrong

Now there were good days and plenty of them, don’t get me wrong. Through those tuff years and growing up and living under this dark cloud for most of my life. I know those hard years were turning me into the person I was meant to become. God has blessed me more then I deserve, I truly believe that and I know I’m very lucky. It was just my mindset and attitude that got the best of me most of the time. It was the voices inside my own head is what controlled me and kept kicking my butt every day.

To be honest I have been obsessed with Navy Seals since the day I started reading Lone Survivor. I was maybe 19 when I finished that book, and the first book I think I ever read cover to cover in my life. Plus, I actually enjoyed reading it, it was freaking me out. Did Peter enjoy reading? No, that can’t be right, those words can’t be in the same sentence, that has to be a mistake?

Embrace The Suck 

It’s true, I hate reading I still hate it to this day I won’t lie about that. But Peter, you want to be an author and write books, how can that be? Well, it’s true I want to do that for a living. With my disability it made me think outside of the box. It helped build my creative side and looking at The World Through My Dyslexic Eyes with a different perspective. It’s also true in the last three years I have read almost 40 books. What does that tell you? I’m determined to become a better reader, and I want to learn from successful people and better myself.

I’ll never enjoy reading, I get too distracted, I can’t sit in one place for a long period of time and I’m a slow reader. But I do it because I know it’s good for me and I’m learning something new. That’s why I have to be disciplined to do it. It’s not always going to be easy, and neither will your life and the path your on every day. That’s what makes it so fun, that’s why you can’t stop no matter what happened the day before. Whatever comes your way might be hard for you, and yesterday turned out to be easier than today. Becuase yesterday is making you stronger and helping prepare you for what’s next and what’s being placed on your shoulders with the days to come. Learn from those hard days and never forget, The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.


Are You A Lion Or A Sheep

What Are You

If you had to choose one right now at this very moment with the way you are living you’re life, what would you pick? Are you a sheep or a lion? For me, the answer is easy. From ages 6-25 I was a sheep there’s no question about it. I was hesitant, scared of life, scared of the journey and my path ahead of me. I thought the best option would be is to do nothing. Just roll with whatever comes my way and just accept it and that was it, deal with whatever cards I was dealt with. I’m sure you can guess, but that’s a horrible attitude and way to live.

We shouldn’t be waiting for life to happen and the journey to come to us. That’s where I think a lot of us screw up, I included in that. Life is what we make it, the journey is what we do every day and in our life. We need to go out and make the most of it and live it up every day, and every second we have. Life is short, it’s time we start treating it like a vacation and enjoy it when we can of course. But it’s also about time we start working and get off our butts and start doing something for ourselves.

Get Back Up

If you’re in a slump and you’re not sure what to do next or what your purpose is. It sucks and you might feel like crap and drained from that. I have been there for longer than I would have liked. Some days I didn’t want to get out of bed, I just wanted to play video games or watch movies. Just to putt off reality and hide from the journey and my life ahead waiting for me. That’s where I screwed up, I know that now. At the time I thought it was where I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to be doing.

With that attitude and mindset, I couldn’t have been more wrong about that haha. That’s life sometimes we need to run into a brick wall and fall and get knocked down. What’s important is that you get back up and keep going. Even if it takes you longer then you would have liked, keep fighting and don’t stop fighting. If you fall again, well then you get back up no matter how many times you fall over.

Enjoy The Ride

I’ll be 28 in a few weeks, and I have never felt more like a Lion in my life. Sure, there’s stuff I’m still working on and trying to get better in. But that’s life, some things will be a lifelong process and battle every day.

I finally woke up one day and it hit me. My life is, of course, is in God’s hands and I know he has everything planned out and figured out already. But a lot of it also falls back on me and what I decide to do with the obstacles and blessings he puts in front of me. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter, what matters is what you make of those obstacles.

Keep Going

I finally feel alive and I’m on the right track for once in my life. I feel like my writing is getting better, well that’s my opinion of course hopefully I’m not wrong haha. I’m starting to get a clear picture of what my future could be and what I want it to look like. The only thing is I have to keep putting in the work, I can’t slow down now. I need to keep working on my craft and keep doing the best I can every day. No matter what comes up in front of me or tries to slow me down.

With all of that said, now start to look at your life and situation you’re in. Are you happy with your choices and the way you’re living your life, or do you want to change a few things? If you want to change some stuff, then change it already. Quit putting it off and say oh I’ll do this or that tomorrow or start Monday. That’s CRAP and a copout answer. That’s why you’re not happy with where you are in your life right now. It all starts with your mindset and what you’re thinking.

Put In The Work

If your goal is to become a Lion, fearless, strong and powerful. Then decide to become a Lion, it shouldn’t be that hard. Now the process and journey to becoming a lion will be hard. But what do you expect, of course, it will? You don’t just wake up the next day, with your dream body or dream job. The only way that happens is if your dreaming, or it’s in a movie or book. You’re going to have to put in work and hours and hours into trying to better yourself and change your old ways.

Deciding that you cant live like a sheep anymore, scared and just following the crowd and content with where you are in life. I personally think you should want more than just being content and ok with your average life. Life should be so much more than that, you should be exploring and putting yourself in danger by taking risks on new opportunities in life and start living.

It’s Time To Start Living

To me, that’s the kind of life I want to live. That’s why I’m a Lion and why I had to change. It all starts with you on the inside first. I understand staying where you are might be safe and comfortable, but that’s boring and gets old quick. There is so much life out there for us to explore and roam just like the King. It’s time we all start exploring together and enjoying the world and jungle that is laid out in front of us every day.