What Will Your Life Look Like

Your Life

Some people die at 76 and never lived, some die at 50 and lived a rewarding life. What will your life look like when it’s all said and done? Will it be ok, or will it be rewarding and something you will be proud of?

The average lifespan for men as of 2017 is 76 years old. That doesn’t seem that old if you think about it. If that’s the case this March I will have 48 years left to live. Now, of course, that’s the average. Now is the time to live and start doing something with yourself. Just because I’m healthy, that doesn’t guarantee my life every day, things happen, life happens. That’s why we need to all start living every day like our life depends on it.

Happiness In Life Over Years Of Life

Because it’s true we don’t know when our time will come or how much longer we have. For some people the time they finally hit there last day and it’s their time. They were already dead for years, well on the inside. Some people were zombies all of their life, and dead on the inside. They just gave up and were scared of life and scared to live.

For me, I would rather live 20 years less or whatever the time frame might be then that zombie. I would rather kill it every day, bust my butt from this day going forward until the day I die at 76 years old. Knowing I gave it my all and tried my best and did the best I could with the time and resources I had at hand.

Take A Second

How you go about your everyday life, is how people look at you every day. It could be as simple as opening a door for someone. Or maybe picking up that piece of trash on the ground at the gym and not stepping over it. YES, I’m talking to the two guys from the gym that steeped over it in the locker room yesterday. Now I know those two examples are stupid and seem so small and simple I get that. Think about it, if it’s that simple and you’re ignoring them, then what else aren’t you doing or ignoring in your life?

From ages 6-25 I felt dead and like a zombie on the inside. I was a flat line for years and years. Trying to figure out who Peter was and what was next for me and what my purpose was in life. Which there’s nothing wrong with that, and I think a lot of us should be focusing on that a lot more. For me, I think I was too distracted, and my vision and bars were set too high some days. It took me away from living most days and distracted me from the real world. Not just the world in my head, but also through my eyes every day.

I Finally Woke Up

Now it took me a few years to finally realize that and recognize that, but that’s life sometimes. You live and you learn every day, we should be learning something new and trying to grow. That’s why at 25 I finally recognized where I was going and the path I was on. The path I was going on, was going to take me nowhere. The path I was on was leading me to a roundabout, I kept going in circles and circles every day. Doing the same thing every day, it was time for a change and I needed something new.

Looking at my past, and my goals I came up with I needed to upgrade myself and change who Peter was. With the goals I had for down the road, and the kind of impact I want to have on people and kids. In order to accomplish those goals, I had to change a lot in order to follow through with my goals and in my life. So, I did, I changed my ways and adapted. I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going next and so on and so on. But here’s where I became different and when I started living for the first time in my 27 years.

One Day At A Time

With no direction and no plan, I didn’t know what to do. What I did though was something. I took it one day at a time and one step at a time. As cliché as that sounds and trust me I know. That’s what you have to do, take it one day at a time in life. Don’t just wish for the end result and try and jump to the end goal that you’re working on. Honestly, that’s stupid and where’s the fun in that? Sure, I get it you want to see that goal or whatever you’re working on becoming a reality. Trust me I understand; my one book has been a three-year process. Then my series I’m working on has been a seven-year process. So, trust me I completely get it, and I understand.

With that, you need to start enjoying the journey and enjoying the ride. You never know when you might learn something new and grow as a person. Who knows if you just skip to the end, you will miss out on the journey and going through the ups and the downs. That’s why it’s so important to embrace the suck sometimes. That suck at that moment and what you’re going through is helping pave the way and turn you into the best version you will become. Now is the time to start living and living in the moment. Not when you’re too old and regretting your decisions. Start working now so you can make the most of it, and not have any regrets when it’s your time.

The Road Never Ends

The Road Never Ends

Regardless of where you are in your life, good or bad. If not yet, we will all be going through something at some point in our lifetime that will test us. If you haven’t been through any tuff times or situations, that can be good, or bad. Maybe it’s about time you get out of your comfort zone and start living?

It doesn’t matter what your friends, family, or whoever is saying to you. If it’s positive well then take that in and use that as motivation and advice to keep going. If its negative, maybe that makes you mad or pissed you off with what they said. That’s good, whatever they said or did that started a light and fire within you. Maybe that’s all you need to take that final push in life and to keep going. That was the final piece to help get you start living.

Enjoy The Ride

Life is like a journey, in case you didn’t know that haha. We have good times, bad times. Sometimes you might wonder why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? Maybe sometimes you feel like you have taken a wrong turn and it’s a dead end? It’s natural to think, well now what do I do? I can’t go this way, which direction do I go?

Unfortunately, that’s life, there is no playbook. People might have suggestions and tips for when things come up, which can be helpful. In the end, we are all different, and all going through different situations and scenarios in life. Nobody can predict your outcome and what might happen. Sometimes, life just kicks our butt and knocks us down. Maybe you need to reverse and backtrack a little bit and get back on course.

Lessons Or Blessings

I personally think with everything I went through, and still going through. Those turnarounds and backtracking you have to do sometimes, turn you into a better person in the end. Those roadblocks and turns that we take every day, or whenever those situations come up. Sometimes I think those can be a blessing and help a lot more then you think down the road. At the moment those situations might suck and be hard and frustrating. Well duh, because it’s hard and taking you out of your safe zone. Again, that’s how you grow and become a better and stronger you in the end.

Maybe not right away or during whatever incident that pops up at the time. Look at life and the journey we’re on like a GPS. Except its modified, we are all going down our own unique path, every day, every week and so on. Sometimes we turn off thinking its where were supposed to go, and that’s the direction we’re supposed to take. Now when we hear those horrible words “Recalculating” we think, crap what did I do, now what?

You Still Have To Work

For me, our future is already planned out and our path is already laid out in front of us. That’s why I don’t think the road will ever end for us because everything we go through every day is all a part of our life. The only time the road will end, I believe is when it’s our time to check out here on earth.

Now just because I believe my path and life is already made up and laid out in front of me. That doesn’t mean I get to kick up my feet and wait for God to take me in the direction I meant to go. No, I think that’s wrong and a mistake a lot of us take every day. We use that as an excuse and a copout sometimes.

Never Stop Working

Yes, I’m a Christian and believe in God, I’ve made that clear earlier. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have to work, and I can coast through life. No, that’s a lazy way to live your life and that’s CRAP. Look around you? Look at all of the people that are taken from us from a young age, and far too soon sometimes? Here I am at 27 about to be 28 in about a month. Some might say I have seen a lot of life so far, some might say I’m only getting started. That’s just two different opinions about life.

To me and what I think, I’m only getting started. I feel like I only started living life and making the most of it three years ago. From age 6-25 that was my foundation and building me into the person, I’m meant to become. Was it a long process, of course, it always is? Most good things take time and take a while to build.

One Of A Kind

“Whenever you get frustrated with yourself to remember that it takes 13 hours to build a Toyota and six months to build a Rolls-Royce.”

Look at business as another example, Nike, or Apple. When those companies started, it was a bumpy road, just look into their history. That’s life that’s our life, you get out of it what you put in. Now, look at them now, Nike is worth 16 Billion Apple is worth 146 Billion, with a B haha.

Don’t ever be afraid of starting, and taking that chance. The best of the best had to start somewhere, just like you and me. That’s all a part of the journey we are on every day. Try and make the most of it, and as hard as it might sometimes embrace the suck. Those hard times, and at the time might seem like wrong turns. In the end, that could turn into a blessing and turn you into the person you are meant to become. Just like me, I wouldn’t change anything from ages 6-25. Those years were my foundation and building me into the person I am today. Remember the road never ends in your life. The only reason why it ends is if you let it.

What’s Your Definition Of F.E.A.R?


What’s Your Definition Of F.E.A.R? Forget Everything and Run, or Face Everything and Rise. If you asked me when I was growing up and in my early years. I would lie and say, of course, face everything. But on the inside, I was scared I feared everything, that’s why I created my mask.

I was scared I wasn’t going to be able to accomplish anything, and that I didn’t have a purpose in life. I feared that my disability will control my life and how I lived and what was in front of me. It was all mental and it was my mindset I had to fix, not the actual roadblock in front of me. Most of the time if you think about it, its what’s inside of our head is the biggest problem. Not what actually is in front of us and trying to stop us. We see this roadblock or wall in front of us and think to ourselves, well I can’t get through that or get over that, and just turn around.

My Failures

That’s where I failed so many times, and for most of my earlier years. I let my disability and the few weaknesses I had, control and overpower the strengths that I had. All through my strengths and our strengths outweigh and are bigger than our weaknesses. It’s easy to let the bad outweigh the good when we are down and feeling upset and vulnerable. Why do we always do that, why isn’t it easier to fight and control?

Is it because we are weak and we don’t have the strength to fight, of course not. We all have the strength and are all capable to keep fighting and keep going every day. We just chose to let the few hiccups and faults we have control are life and outcome that’s in front of us. Are mind already made up its decision to waive the white flag and give up? We already decided our fear was going to control our outcome.

My Dark Cloud

For me, I was ashamed and embarrassed for what cloud was over my head for the last 20 years of my life. That little cloud that was hanging over me, and following me where ever I would go every day. I kept getting so distracted with where I was in the moment, and not looking at where I could be in the near future? I didn’t want to try, I didn’t want to fail any more than I already did in my past. So, I just set up shop and accepted my path and let my fear control me and that was it. Not knowing when I accepted my fear and stayed where I was. I was scared to face what was in front of me, and what was holding me back.

Now at 27 and within the last few years, my mindset has changed. At 25 I finally started living for the first time in my life. Do I wish it was earlier, well duh who wouldn’t? But if it would have been earlier, who knows where I would be now? Everything happens for a reason, so that’s why I believe my past and my life helped build me and turned me into the person I am today.

Being dyslexic, was a blessing in disguise and a gift I never thought I would be happy to have. Now I’m grateful to be a part of this unique dyslexia club. Sure, I still have my moments and flows with my LD every once and awhile. Honestly, I always will till I take my last breath.

Time To Take A Stand

After all this time, I decide it’s time to stand and stop running. If you know me you know I hate running. I run now because it’s disciplining me to accomplish something that’s bigger than me. I want to finish an Ironman, but it goes more beyond my own physical goals in my life. When I take my final breath at the end of the road, whenever that might be. Looking back, I want to be proud of what I did, and I want to look back and be happy with the person I was and what I accomplished.

My first 20 years was my foundation and help build me into the person I am today, and who I was meant to become. But my first 20 years of my life, I was scared of life, I was scared to live. That’s not me anymore, that can’t be me anymore. After all this time, I’m finally starting to like the person that God created, and who I’m starting to turn into. Trust me it has been a long road to finally like the real Peter A. Harrower.

My Next 20 Years

Now I feel like my life is only begging. Of course, if I’m lucky enough to be around that long, I need to make them better than my first 20. Not just for me now, but for you, for the outcasts or the kids that ever felt different and alone. That’s why I need to rise and keep going and why I can’t ever waive that white flag and give up again. The number of people, and kids that need help or that need a friend or whatever you want to call it. That number is getting bigger and bigger every day.

If my unique story and putting myself out there can help them, well then it will be worth getting out of my comfort zone and helping others. It will be a job well done if kids can start living a better and healthy life for a change. That’s what I’m about now, that’s who the new Peter is. It’s about helping the kids that need it and showing them no matter what, they can win in life. All they have to do is decide and stop running. We all need to start living life to the fullest and Face Everything and Rise.

A New Chapter In Your Book

A New Chapter

A new chapter in your book is just about to begin, how do you want to start it? I challenge you to change this year in 2018. 2017 is basically over and were in the home stretch. With the New Year just around the corner, we have another opportunity to live and make the most of another year. I’m sure some people might have regrets about ohh I wish I did more of this or did that. Well sorry to break it to you, but those opportunities are long gone and there is nothing you can do about it. What you can do is make your next chapter in your book of life better in 2018.

What do you want to do? Are you going to commit to better yourself this year? Or just make the typical New Year’s resolutions that usually never work for people? Come January 1st you have 12 months to make that chapter the best you can make it. There’s no going back to edit it like I can edit this post. This is real life the actions you and I take will affect us every day. Will it be good choices or bad, the choice is yours?

New You

Every New Year is a start to a new chapter in our life book. If we’re lucky enough to have a chance and be a part of the New Year then we need to start making the most of it. Yes I know it’s easier said than done sometimes, and it’s hard I get it. I have been there and I’m still there some days. That’s life you just need to dig deep and keep going and working hard and do your best every day.

This next chapter for me in 2018 I want it to be the best chapter of my life. I know it will be and can be, as long as I keep working hard. It doesn’t look like my book will be published by the end of the year. If I publish it at the end of January. That means I already accomplished my number one goal in my life. It’s been a project in the making for the last three years. Plus I still have 11 months left in this chapter and this year. That momentum is only going to push me to keep going and working harder with the days ahead of me. That’s the motivation and the focus I have on my new chapter and opportunities waiting for me.

Keep Going

That’s the kind of mindset we need to start having, my mindset is not perfect. I just know where I was and where I want to go, from my past to working towards the future ahead of me. I don’t want to have any more regrets anymore. The remaining chapters that I have left I want them to be special and make the most of them why I can. I have a lot of work to make up for the time I lost earlier in my life. I’ll be 28 at the end of March which is only three months away. I still have a lot of goals to accomplish and complete before my 30th birthday. Slowing down now is not an option for me, I need to keep going and working hard every day.

It’s time I stop hiding from the world, and it’s about time that we embrace who we are. I know my faults and the issues I have to battle with every day. I’m not a big fan of change. Will use that as my example, and that’s a problem because my goal is to become an author and turn that into a career. Now if I want to turn that into a career there for I need to sell enough books that I can live off of that. Well, unfortunately, Peter has to get out of his comfort zone and suck it up. That’s something I don’t like and with the field, I’m trying to enter in full time. There will be a lot of change following that day when my book gets published. I’ll have to get over that fear of mine real quick.

What Will Your New Chapter Look Like

That’s why I know this chapter, and this year will be my best ever. Because I know where I was and what I was doing. Now I know what I want and the kind of impact I want to have on people’s lives, and more importantly kids’ lives. That’s what drives me; I don’t like being the center of attention and all eyes on me. That’s one of the reasons I keep to myself. If all eyes are on me, then I feel like I will make more mistakes in front of people or do or say something stupid.

That’s why I like to blend in with people. That’s why I try to keep to myself and hide behind my mask when I’m uncomfortable. It’s so easy to do that and I know it is wrong and a bad habit. When you pick up bad habits as a kid, unfortunately, it takes a lot of work to break those habits after all these years.

Now you heard about my mindset going into my new year and the next chapter in my book. What does your book look like? What kind of book do you want people to read every day as they talk to you or see you working? Do you want them to be proud of what you’re trying to do with the message you’re sharing and giving to people? Or do you want them to look the other way and stay far away from you and your book? We all have different goals and hobbies, I get that. The one thing that we all have in common is the same amount of time and days in a year. What are you going to do with your remaining days that you have left?

We Are All Inventors


“Who are the great inventors? They are the persons with plain, straightforward, common sense, who have seen a need in the world and applied themselves to supply that need.” This is from the current book I’m reading at the moment from Russell Conwell’s Acres of Diamonds in Motivation Classics. We are all inventors. Were all able to create magical things, as long as we believe and keep doing our best.

With everything I’m trying to share and what I’m talking about. I’m a different kind of an inventor; I’m not your normal inventor creating the next big device. I’m using my words and my past experience’s that I went through and lived the last 20 plus years of my life, and giving that to the world and the next generation. Yes I know I still have a lot of life to live, I get that. I realize some people I maybe didn’t live enough life to fully grasp it or understand everything.

I’m Just Different

I’m just coming from a different perspective and a different angle than most people. My wisdom and what I’m trying to share with the world and the younger kids. It’s coming from someone who just recently lived it and is still currently going through it. Why can’t we have both perspectives and use both angles? There’s no right or wrong answer here. Again this is coming from two different perspectives and two different views of the world. Honestly, the more input you can receive the better. You are going to get a better idea of what works what doesn’t. That’s going to help you find, what you need to do.


We are all inventors, whether you realize it or not. It doesn’t matter if you’re physically building something with your hands that you plan on selling down the road. Or you’re just building a life like what I’m trying to do. That’s the invention I’m trying to build; I’m trying to build a life that’s worth living and live it to the fullest before I’m taken out of the game of life for good. I’m trying to get the most out of the opportunities that are placed in front of me why I can.

I might not be that smartest, I know I have already established that in my earlier posts. But what I have noticed is, kids need help, I needed help when I was a kid. I’m not saying nobody helped me when I was a kid and growing up. All I’m saying is I think people again mostly kids, need to hear what I have learned and what I experienced.

Do I know everything and do I think my way is the highway and the best option, of course not. That’s the point; I’m trying to show kids the direction to stay as far away from as possible. That’s why I created my website and now I’m blogging. These are the reasons why I don’t want to just publish this book now for the heck of it; I need to publish this book.

 Time To Man Up

Kids need help and if you haven’t noticed, so does the world. The world is a dark, dark place; I have been in a dark place for far too many years now. I’m trying to escape this tunnel I was in the last seven-plus years. I finally found the light in the tunnel then what happens, I’m walking and right smack dab in the middle of more darkness. Maybe it’s me? Maybe I’m always going to have a dark cloud over me the rest of my life?

If that’s the case well then so be it, I may have a dark cloud over me the rest of my life. But one plus about that is by sharing my story and my experience’s that might mean one less kid younger than me will have that dark cloud over himself. I know what life is like I know the feelings I have experienced and tasted over the years, the loneliness and feeling confused, and useless in the world. I’ve been battling those issues for years. I’m now starting to transition out of my negative mindset that I have had in the past.

When I wanted to join the military, yes I wanted to serve my country. Another reason as too why was so one other person didn’t have to. So that father or mother wouldn’t have to leave their kids and spouse to fight a battle they don’t have to fight. I have my family, yes and I’m beyond blessed I know, and of course, I don’t want to leave them. I have come to grips with the life I have now. I’m ok with that; I’m ok with being thrown to the wolves for whatever is waiting for me down my path.

What’s Your Invention

That’s why I can’t hide anymore, I need to suck it up and share my story and not put it off anymore. I have my problems yes, and honestly some of these problems I might have for the rest of my life. There’s only so much I can control with the cards I was dealt. But a young 12 or 13-year-old kid, they have time to change their ways and go a different direction.

This is my invention; no it’s not your typical invention I get that, if you think about it, every day we are all creating are on invention? Were all working on our own project, it is called life? We go different directions every day. All of us have different interests we enjoy and do. What makes your invention so special and unique? How are you going to present it to the world? Don’t expect anything from it, if you’re not willing to work for it and do the best you can. Now, what is your invention your going to give to the world?

Finish That Project

Finish line

We have all at one time I’m sure, had a project we started and wanted to finish. Maybe kept putting it off for some reason. The timing wasn’t good, we had other tasks at hand we had to finish. Something came up, or family came over to hang out for a little bit. That’s always my problem, my family is always stopping by unannounced. Yes, I love my family and love hanging out with them. I’m probably just being selfish with my time I guess you could say.

Durning the week, I’m very busy with my crazy life and schedule. If I’m not working on the weekend I like to unwind and kind of relax and catch my breath and regroup. I mean, I’m still working on my website or books or whatever needs to be done. It’s a different kind of work you could say. Yes, it’s work, but I love doing this and it’s what I want to do. Work on my next blog post, or keep finding ways to make my website better and more enjoyable for you guys. There is still a lot of work I need to do, or new things I’m learning.

My story

What I’m trying to say here is this. I’m hopefully about a month away from publishing my book. As long as everything goes well and I have no hiccups. This will be a three-year project coming to a close, hopefully before the new years. Now to be fair, I don’t want to publish it just because and be done with it. It has to be perfect, or as close as possible haha. After all, it’s my memoir and my story. You guys need to have all the information you need to fully understand who I am. I want you to know who the real me is, and the message I’m trying to share here.

I would be lying if a few times I thought to myself, maybe this won’t work after all this time. After all, it’s been three years now? I know I’m in the home stretch here, but who cares if it takes a month or three years. This is something I have put so much time into, I don’t care how long it takes. This isn’t just a project I’m trying to make a quick buck off of here. This is my life, my very personal and private life that I’m letting the world into. I’m literally going to be an open book hopefully in the next month or two.


A goal of mine was to sell a million copies of my books. It doesn’t have to be just one of my books it could be a grand total it doesn’t matter. The point of this is a kid who hated school and couldn’t write and with all of my faults and issues, and my LD. I stopped using those as excuses and I woke up and decided and committed to making a difference. At the time when I started writing this, I was using this as a journal to vent and let out my frustrations. Then not far after I started writing this. I realized I could do so much more with this. I could reach so many people sharing my story, and letting the world know who I really am.

Even though my goal is to still sell 1 million copies of my book. My dad reminded me when I made my goals two years ago. It shouldn’t be about the money. It should be about the people, and the impact I might have on them? I don’t like admitting my parents are correct, but my old man was correct. It doesn’t matter if I make a penny or a dollar per book. If I could reach 1 million kids alone, and maybe play a small roll in there life and help them. That is way more important than any amount of money per book.

Fingers crossed

Honestly, who knows if my writing is even that good? I guess will find out in a month hopefully, fingers crossed haha. If it is or isn’t it doesn’t matter, I’m still going to try and do my part and finish this project that I started. I committed to this project over three years ago and I’m only getting started people.

Don’t get caught up in the time frame and so focused on that. Life is not a sprint and most projects we work on is not a sprint. Life is a marathon, it’s a long race and it takes hours and lots of practice. Just like life when we try different jobs or going to school to figure out what’s next. That’s life, you have to keep trying different things to find out what it is you want to do, and what your good at. Don’t be discouraged with what little progress you have made so far in life, or that day or week. Try your best and focus on the journey and enjoy the ride, and make the most of it? Commit to that project you want to finish. Don’t stop and make excuses, find a way and make it happen. Now is the time?

Your Life Clock Is Ticking

Dwight Bain

Before I get started and too far into this post. I wish I thought about this, but this was not from me. This was from his book, Destination Success. This is one of my favorite books I have read in my life so far. Your life clock is ticking?

“If life is a clock and you are born at 12:00 A.M. and die at midnight, you have 24 hours. If the average lifespan is 72 years, each hour represents 3 years. For instance, if you are 39, it is 1 P.M. If you are 51, it is 5 P.M. and if you are 60, it’s already 8:00 P.M. If you measure life like a clock, it passes rather quickly. So where are you on the “clock” life”?

What’s Your Time

For me personally, it would be 9:00 A.M. already. Now yes, I have more time ahead of me then the time that has already passed, this is true. Thinking about it I still have 27 years under my belt already, or 9 hours so far on my clock. If 72 is just the average age people reach before they die. If you do it right that should still is enough time to live a full life and enjoy yourself. Just think if you make it to 90 years? That’s 18 extra years of life to live and make the most of it and enjoy your time. If you’re a glass half full person, that’s 18 bonus years that you get to live. If you’re a glass half empty that might be 18 years too long haha.

Life should not just be lived to get by and just squeak by. Once it’s your time and you hit the end of your road. I don’t think we should be saying, I’m not ready to die yet? There is still so much I want to do, and what about this and that I wanted to accomplish? Now maybe you’re like me and hold yourself to high standards and trying to push yourself to do the best you can. Maybe at the end of your time, you might say something like that. Or maybe, you will be completely ok with it and except it.

Hopefully One Day

Until that day comes, again who knows when it might be? How are you going to continue to live your life? When you hit 72 years do you want to be proud of what you did, or filled with regrets and disappointments? Right now at the moment being single and not tied down. Mostly because I haven’t had much luck in that department, but that’s a topic maybe for another day haha. With me, all I have is my work right now.

Yes don’t get me wrong, I have my big family and could not be more excited and blessed to have them all. What I’m trying to say is. Besides them and some close friends, what do I have? All I have is my work, my goals and dreams I’m working towards trying to accomplish. You might not agree, but for me right now with where I am in my life, I’m ok with that.

When the time comes, to find a girl and hopefully get married and have kids in the near future. I cannot wait for that moment, and it will be one of the happiest moments in my life. Until then, and till that moment happens, all I have is my work and what I’m trying to accomplish. I’m trying to help people and share my story with you and have an impact on kids and young adult’s lives.

Time’s Ticking

Until my personal life changes and there are other people involved then I have to keep working as hard as I can to get better and grow. If not just for my own personal goals and dreams I have. Then for the kids that I want to impact and help them grow and become better than they were.

That’s why time is against US. 2017 is almost over people and 2018 is around the corner. Time is not going to slow down for us, that’s the one thing in life we can’t control, is time. Everything else we have a part in controlling and playing a roll in. Our work ethic and the changes we want to make. Either it’s good or bad, the choice is up to you?

I have made my changes and of course still working on them and trying to get better. I mean that’s a constant goal we all should be working on and trying to get better in. That’s life; you live and learn every day? What you do after those moments good or bad, are what’s going to help make you into the person you are meant to become?

Running Out Time

What is your time on your clock? How much time do you have left? For me whenever it is my time to go, I’ll accept it and I’ll be ok with that. After all, it’s not like I can run from it or hide from death? Until that time comes, I’m going to keep working and doing the best I can for me, my family, and YOU. The question is what are you going to do with your reaming time you have left?

How many hours do you have till it’s your time to punch out and you’re done, and have to go home? I have made up my mind to make the most of the time I have left. The question is, did you? The even bigger question you have to ask yourself is, will you make the changes and do better?



Making a firm decision, and not change it. When my book gets officially published, hopefully by the end of the year. No matter what, once I finally share this news with the world. I can honestly say, that this will be the biggest and greatest moment in my 27 years of existence. No disrespect to my family and some of the great memories I have had in my life. This had been a goal I have been working on for over six years now. A goal to publish a book, and with more down the road hopefully. I have never felt so Determined and hungry before in my life.  Never have I ever given so much effort to something before, and been filled with so much emotion in my life.

Now this book alone I have been working on for over three years now. Publishing this book especially, The World Through My Dyslexic Eyes. Has been at the top of my goals list ever since I made my goal’s list a little over two years ago now. This is my story, the real me, written out and told the only way I knew how. Flipping the script and turning a weakness and something I wasn’t good at, into not just a hobby and an activity. But turned it into an obsession and something I can’t stop thinking about.

I’m determined

I want to stop making excuses and get out of my funk that I was in. If I want to be successful and make a difference in my life. Then I think this is the right start in moving in that direction. Who knows maybe this will lead to something bigger than I ever could have imagined. Maybe I’ll just sell 1,000 copies and that’s it. Now, of course, I’m hoping and praying for the first one haha. If it turns out to be the second one, well then so be it. It wasn’t meant to be and I move on to the next thing in my life. I still managed to share my story with 1,000 people by writing a book. How cool is that? If a dyslexic kid who can’t spell, read fast and struggled in school can do it, so can you?

The beautiful thing about being determined. All of the sudden finding this work ethic and hunger for doing something bigger, I never knew I had. It is going to motivate me to keep going and keep working hard. I’m entering a field, realistically I probably don’t belong in. Trying to become a published author and who knows, maybe hitting the New York Times Best Sellers list. Is it a big goal absolutely I won’t deny that. What’s the point of going through life every day if we’re not working hard for something and just coasting by?


I now have found my second win in life to keep going and keep working towards something bigger than just me. Sharing my story, and up and downs with you. I’m a mess and have my faults, just like you weirdos haha. Nobody’s perfect and we all are different and unique. We all have a different story. We all should chase that dream, and check off our goals on our list. You know, the crazy thing is if you work hard enough. This might be a surprise, but you just might be able to do it as long as you keep working.

It all started when I was 21 years old. A kid well technically a (man) I didn’t feel like a man. I was lost confused, and unmotivated feeling hopeless with no direction. Starting out as a hobby to unleash his anger with the life he was living. A place where he could share his deepest darkest secrets and felt safe. Fast forward six years later, now feeling confident in calling himself a man now. He has written three books now in that time. He’s determined to not just share his story and life with you just to fill his pockets. But to make an impact and be apart of something bigger. Sure years ago I wanted to do it for the money and thinking how rich I could be?


Don’t get me wrong I hope it brings a lot of money in, I won’t lie about that. Now the only reason why I hope it brings in a lot of money? That means people are reading my story and I’m having an impact on their lives, especially kids are my main focus. Maybe just maybe, my story and struggles will keep them away from my path and they will stay focused and not miss the opportunities that I missed. That’s why I’m doing this. I don’t want people, especially kids, and young adults to struggle like I did.

Will I be the next John Grisham or J. K. Rowling, selling millions of books? Maybe, maybe not only time will tell. What I do know is I’m going to be the first Peter A Harrower, and there is nobody like me, I’ll be the first. It all started with a joke saying how cool would it be to write a book and publish it?

Here we are people, I’m hoping a few short months away from publishing my first book? It all started out as a joke for a short time. Then turned into a Dream and an obsession. Don’t be afraid of that hobby you thought might not turn into something. You never know if you don’t try? Embrace who you are, keep working hard and doing the best you can every day. If you’re crazy enough just like me. Who knows, maybe just maybe if it’s something you want. You just might turn a weakness into a career that you didn’t think you belonged in a few short years ago.

I’m Motivated


It can be a beautiful thing as long as we use it correctly and wisely. Besides trying to better me every day and wanting to make a difference in people’s lives. What drives me or motivates me is where I will be in one month, one year. Who knows maybe five years, whatever the time frame is. Sure it scares the crap out of me and freaks me out sometimes. With the HUGE goals I have and I set for myself, it does terrify me thinking about it. That’s why I’m Motivated so much.

If my goals don’t scare me or give me goosebumps thinking about accomplishing them or freak me out. Are they big enough? Are your goals big enough? If you aren’t having these same feelings and nerves. They are not big enough and you can reach higher and do better.

Just Wait

With how hard I’m working now trying to make a difference and have fun in life. Now make the most of the opportunities that I have right now at the moment. If I’m this excited and motivated, not to mention terrified as well. If those are my feelings right now, and I didn’t even publish my book yet or get my story completely out there yet. Imagine how excited and motivated I will be once I get my book published? Who knows what opportunities will open up.

I can’t wait to find my purpose and figure out what I’m destined for. Trying different things figuring out what the future holds for me. Again it terrifies me just as much as it motivates me. It’s a good fear to have. It makes us feel alive and that we have a purpose in life. I want to feel alive and feel like I can be used and help others. No more zombie status, or being average Joe just going through life looking to get by. I want to do the best I can with whatever opportunities are placed in front of me and pass the expectations that are expected of me. I don’t want to settle for just enough like I used to shoot for in my past.

Game Of Life

If you’re not motivated to get out of bed every morning and excited for what the day holds, then what are you doing? Sure, we all have our moments we want to sleep in more and want to relax and kick our feet up and unwind. Yes, it’s ok to do that every once in a while. But you need to stay focused and keep working hard on the tasks in front of you. I know there is more to life than money, success, and any material thing that might motivate you. I get that and I agree. There is more to life than those objects or status’s we are trying to reach.

Then again, if we only have one life and one opportunity to play this chess game that we call life. Shouldn’t we make the most of that game, and each move we take? I don’t know about you but I want to make the most of my moves on this chessboard. Will they always be the correct moves or make a big enough punch to knock your opponent out with one move. No, maybe it’s not one big move. What it takes is all of the little moves that you did in between that makes the difference.

They Have No Idea

All they see is you were just you, and now you are YOU. Your this big name in life and you can officially say you made it now. What they don’t see, is all of the little stuff you did every day behind the scenes. They think you just made it, with the click of the button and you’re successful now. It’s not that easy if it was then everyone would do it. The sad part with that, even if it was that easy. I STILL don’t think everyone would do it. How crazy is that? What does that tell you about that person or the direction the world is going?

Maybe this post motivated you and maybe this was the final step you needed to hear before you take that new opportunity or go after that dream of yours. If so that’s awesome, go for it. But if you don’t give 100% then your just wasting your time. If your going to do something and try and make that dream be turned into a career or be successful at it. Don’t just decide to do the bare minimum, you have to give everything you can and do the best you can. Give your blood, sweat, and tears into it.


The other day I was thinking about my book and the kind of impact I hope it has on people’s lives. I was imagining people but mostly kids coming up to me saying this was the first book they ever read or finished. They were sharing their story with me, and because I opened up they want to do this or that now. I was getting a little teary-eyed thinking about that, thinking about the influence and impact and what this book is really about.

It’s not about the money or potentially how wealthy I become after publishing it. I’m trying to be apart of something bigger and play a bigger role than just trying to fill my own pockets. That’s the kind of goal that should motivate you.

Get Moving

Thinking about something that extreme and that big, that’s what should be giving you goosebumps or scaring the crap out of you. Not thinking what type of car I’m gonna buy when I sell my first 10,000 books.

What gets you out of bed every morning? Find that goal that drives you and motivates you every day when you don’t feel like doing anything. If you find that goal, and you stay focused and keep working hard. That’s all the motivation you need to turn that dream into a reality.

When One Door Closes

Open Doors

When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. We all have our moments that we are focused or interested in. Excited about a new opportunity that’s waiting for us on the other side of that door. What happens once we open the door? It’s not what we expected or it’s not as good as we had imagined? Are mind was thinking one thing. When in all reality, what was placed in front of us was something completely different.

Sure it sucks and it’s frustrating and every other emotion you would want to share or say. Just like the quote says. Why do we get so tied up and invested in the door that’s shut in front of us? Clearly, that moment or situation that was in front of us is now over. Why is it so hard to move on sometimes? Is it because we invested so much time into whatever was in front of us? Maybe because we were expecting one thing. Once the door swung open what we saw was completely different.

Your Reaction

It’s frustrating I know, why isn’t it easier to move on? Whether your in that moment or you’re upset or angry, for whatever your time frame is. We all handle life differently of course.

How do you handle these situations waiting for you? With the unknown staring, you down waiting and waiting for you. How you respond to that letdown and the negative news that might be waiting in front of you. It’s a stepping stone in what kind of person and difference your gonna make in people’s lives. How you react to whatever is placed in front of you. That’s what people are going to see and remember you by.

What if you really don’t know me, I mean let’s be real nobody really knows me. Just like I don’t really know you, or maybe your close friends don’t really know you. In some cases, I think we all keep a lot of stuff buried deep within us. I say that because I still have a lot deep inside of me, that not many people know to this day.

 Time For A Change

As much as it still terrifies me to open up and share my true self. I realize enough is enough if I want to get better and help fix my problems and issues. Then I need to open up that door in front of me and let everything out. As much as I don’t want to. Again it’s a 50-50 chance that it could come back to bite me in the butt with doing that. Then again it’s a 50% chance that I can let go of these burdens I have on my shoulders weighing me down after all of this time.

Being 27 still with no clue with what I want to do with myself. Having three part-time jobs at the moment. Of course, doing my blog and working on my books trying to get them out to the world. Now two of those jobs I’m getting paid in. One of those jobs is a hobby that I’m trying to turn into a career. Having three jobs and putting in hours beyond hours in a week, you have to give up certain things.

There is only so much free time I have during the week. Now the closer I get to publish my book, or once I’m done with a new post. Before I hit publish I look at the post button and imagine what good or bad that might come from it? In most cases, it will probably be more good than bad hopefully. It’s probably just my head playing mind games with me.


I emailed 300 agents about my books and received 105 responses saying no, they weren’t interested. Not looking for a pity party and anyone to feel bad for me. My whole life I have been getting rejected and used to hearing no.

I didn’t pass the military test three times to enlist in the military, that sucked. I already mentioned my emails. My dating history is kind of a joke, I don’t really have a history. In school and my early life, I had these dark clouds constantly over me all my life. Plus not to mention all of the side effects I developed from age six to this very moment as I’m sitting here writing this. Feeling stupid and useless and wondering why was I even born, and battling depression for years and years.

I’m not looking for you to feel bad for me. Honestly, that is the last thing I want with this. I’m just a guy who is trying to make it in life, and make a difference in people’s lives and make the most of my short stay here on earth. I know people have had a harder childhood or have been in worst situations than me, I get that and I completely agree with you. With all of my personal issues, I’m beyond blessed. I have a great family and people that care about me and love me.

Keep Going

I believe a number of doors in front of us are endless. If one door closes well then you move on and go to the next door and so on. With everything that happened to me, I can’t give up now, and neither can YOU. It doesn’t matter what situation you are in at the moment, just keep going and keep working as hard as you can. Some people have to work harder and think outside of the book.

If so then who cares, that’s what makes you and your story so special and so unique. Going through all of those hard times, again sucks at the moment and you can feel so weak and useless and wonder why should I bother. That moment once you figure it out, or you turn things around it makes everything totally worth it. So embrace your journey and make the most of it. Whatever you do, don’t stop. Just keep searching and looking for the next door ahead of you. If that doesn’t work, then make your own door.