Music Is My Secret Weapon

Music Is My Secret Weapon

Day 22

Music I think is underrated, with how important it is to us. I have been writing probably close to seven and half years now something like that. Within that time, I could count on one or two hands the number of times I didn’t listen to music as I was writing. Now when I went to Peru, or on my backpacking trip for two weeks. I didn’t have my music so those are the exceptions for when I was writing I didn’t have access to my music. That’s why music is my secret weapon. Music has helped take me to the next level, as cheesy as that sounds.

Over the years I developed a lot of bad habits and I needed to find ways to cope with it and try and handle them. I don’t know how or why but one day I think I googled tips for writing or something like that. A few different articles mentioned about listening to classical music. Hearing all the benefits of listening to classical music, I decided to give it a try. After the first day, I was hooked and haven’t looked back.

Next Level

Now it’s a little different to this day. Depending on what book I’m working on, was depending on the type of music that was flowing into my ears. If it was my memoir, that was slower and classical and instrumental music mostly. Piano and violin and some guitar were my go to for that. I needed softer music so I could go back and remember my past to figure out what I was trying to say and share in the chapters.

As far as my fiction series and the first two books I finished, that music was a little more upbeat. I needed music that was a little faster but it had some suspense to it. I picked a lot of soundtracks from movies and added some random stuff to it. Certain parts called for certain songs, and moods I was in.

I know in the end I came up with the ideas and put everything together into a book, I get that. But the music, well the music took me to the next level I think. It played a key role for me, trying to figure out where I wanted to go with my fiction series.

My Speciality

The goal is to get the series published of course. My goal for that series is to have it go to the big screens, that’s the end goal. Therefore, I had to make it intense and suspenseful. Because that’s what the book is, it will keep you on your toes and hopefully be wanting more.

There is humor in it and lots of sarcasm, which is a specialty of mine haha. But this was also tricky because, well again writing and turning this material into something is all new to me. It’s one thing to write and put it down on paper so people can understand what you’re trying to say. It’s another when you want them to be able to picture it on paper as its happening, but also visualize seeing it on a screen.


That’s what I did for six years working on these two books. As I was writing page by page, chapter by chapter. I had to visualize if this will work for a book first, of course. Then picture would I want to see this as a movie? Would other people enjoy this as a movie just as much as a book? Sure, my opinion and answer to that would be a yes because I wrote it. I truly believe this series and hopefully soon to be movies will be entertaining. After all, that’s what I’m trying to do. This fiction series is to entertain people, and give them something enjoyable and hopefully one day fun to watch. My memior that’s my life and the real me, struggling with my disability and searching for purpose.

Just like daydreaming for me through school, or when I’m in a funk or whatever I’m doing. Writing and music have always been a key for me over the years. Not just for writing but another example is when I’m working out. I need loud upbeat music to help pump me up so I can have a good workout. Music does that and distracts me from that short time from the real world. It helps take me to another place and just unwind and release that tension that starts to build over time.

What’s Your Secret Weapon

Now if you ask me as much as I love working out and as much as I need it in my life. Of course, for health reasons and its good for you, and well I love doing it. If I had to only pick one style of music, loud vs calm there is no question I would pick calm. Even though I do a lot of thinking why I’m working out. When it comes to listening to calm music, of course, it’s more peaceful. Hearing all the different instruments, the strings playing piano in the background it just relaxes me so much more.

Now you know one of my secret weapons and something I need every day as I’m writing or just going through my day. What’s something you need to do every day or listen to every day? We all have our different rituals and routines we need to do. If you’re not much of a music person, then I challenge you to try it just to mix it up. Throw on some classical music why you’re working, just try it. Who knows after a day or two, you might end up liking it. Who knows how much it might end up helping you, it might be a better benefit then you were expecting?

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