My Purpose
So, I have some Fears, am I proud of them no of course not. Do I have a couple yes? But here’s the thing. I feel if you don’t have fears then you’re not living or pushing yourself enough in life. Right now, I’m going to focus on one fear and why aging = a slow death.
First, I know that sounds kind of dramatic, but stick with me. One of my biggest fears is getting older and not living up to my potential. But if I were to break it down its really two fears in one. Getting older and not feeling accomplished, like I didn’t do anything great or special with my life. I just lived and that’s it. God put me in every situation for a reason good or bad. If I don’t choose wisely or make the best decision then I failed to live up to his purpose and dreams that he had for Peter.
Work Everyday
I think some of those fears are pretty common and healthy. But just because you have those fears doesn’t give you an excuse to just live and go with the flow. You can’t just say I have these six fears or whatever the number it doesn’t matter. You actually have to do something about those fears and try and fix them and turn them around and get better. Just talking about them isn’t going to cut it you have to work on those fears.
At six years old I made a wish, but it was my first big mistake that I can never get back. Now I’m 29, all though I’m very happy and blessed and living a great life I feel like I still messed up when I was six. I wished to get older and graduate high school and move on to the real world.
Why can’t I get older and graduate now? Now I’m in middle school, awesome I have two more years in middle school then four in high school and I’m free. Wow, I can’t believe this is the first day of high school I’m so close to being done. Four more years and I’m free.
Now What
Graduation day comes and I didn’t feel excited really. I was excited about not going to school anymore and not having homework or have to study anymore. I was ecstatic about that, but everything else I wasn’t that excited.
My number one goal and priority is finally here and it’s not a big deal. I think because I realized I don’t know what the heck I’m doing next. I’m not going to college or military-like most of my friends. I was looking forward to being done with school and never going back.
I Was Wrong
Look I get it, aging = a slow death is dramatic but I wanted to get your attention. I’m still figuring out my place in this world and still searching for my purpose in the world. I was a late bloomer compared to some people in the world and that’s ok. Well, I can say it’s ok now, but it’s not fun when you’re going through that moment, it sucks I’ll say it. But now I have never felt more alive and more excited about my future.
The potential and the future that is in front of me is bigger than I ever expected. I never thought I would be in this situation that I am in. Well, I proved myself wrong, it seems like I have been proving myself wrong a lot lately. As much as I don’t like admitting I’m wrong, I was DEAD WRONG, and I’m so happy about that.
Top Three
My three biggest goals were to get married♠ publish a book♠ and become a father. Sorry, I couldn’t find a checkmark so a spade it is. The first two were always dreams and visions I had but never pictured they would become a reality. I pray and hope I will be a father one day but not yet, hopefully, someday soon.
Lindsay knows how much I love her and care about her. I know how lucky and blessed I am to have her in my life. I don’t say it enough and I’m sorry, babe I love you and I’m so grateful for you.
Make A Difference
Lindsay knows that I want more in life than the three goals above. Now those three goals especially Lindsay and my kids one day will always be at the top of my list always. Nothing could replace my wife and kids.
But I also believe that God put all of us here for a reason. He gave us all our strengths and weaknesses for a reason. I also believe he wants us to make a difference why we are here on earth. I believe he put on my heart to help kids all the way up to my age or older.
Negatives To Positives
Helping people could just be by me being a nice guy. Lending a hand or helping somebody out if they need help. Or sharing my crazy story with them. Me getting older and aging is a friendly reminder to keep kicking butt and pushing myself every day. I don’t want to play it safe on Earth. I WANT TO LIVE and enjoy this one and only life I was given. Why not live it up and make a difference and have fun along the way?
It might be different for you and that’s ok. But whatever you do, don’t get caught up in your fears. If you let your fears win then you lose, and your life is over. Use your fears as a positive to start living and pushing yourself. Once you recognize your human and you have faults and decide to turn them around into a positive. That my friends, that’s when you escape your fears and looking at life like aging = a slow death. Now you can start living and welcome what comes in front of you and not be scared.